In recent years, we have been looking for a way to certify the quality of our relocation services.
EuRA, European Relocation Association, was established in 1998 to connect companies that offer relocation services. Over the years, EuRA has expanded to include companies that offer affiliated services, such as tax and immigration advice or apartments with services. This organization is the main one for relocation in Europe and beyond. In doing so, EuRA became the first European relocation association with over 500 members active in 95 countries around the world.
In fact, EuRA allows us to be contacted by other relocation companies, which are based anywhere in the world, and which have customers from their country who want to settle in Vietnam, Laos, or Cambodia. Relocation companies help each other.
After contacting EuRA, certain elements are required for admission as a full member:
We must respect the rules of conduct of the European Relocation Association;
Our society must have existed for at least two years;
We must provide three names and email addresses of our customers that will attest to the quality of our services, our reliability and our efficiency.
It takes some time for EuRA to ensure that the relocation companies that subscribe to this certification deserve it. When relocation companies like ours receive our certification, we have certain rights:Nous recevons l'aide de l'Association ;
We are entitled to a standard listing in the Association directory and on the website;
We may use the European Relocation Association logo on any printed material or in any advertising;
We are invited to attend all regional, national and international meetings, seminars, conferences or training accredited MIM or EARP
In fact, we are pleased to be a full member of the European Relocation Association since April. After a year of doubts as to whether we really wanted to get involved in this adventure, we decided to take the plunge. Indeed, we have just written an article about us for the edition of EuRApean magazine that will be published in September. We are the first relocation company based in Vietnam identified by EuRA, challenge that we meet!
We look forward to sharing the article and our participation in the annual global conference in Ho Chi Minh City from November 20-22.